Washable or reusable air filters are a great way to reduce your environmental impact and save money on household costs. But, it is essential to understand the pros and cons of these filters before installing them in your home. Generally, washable air filters are made of woven polypropylene and are electrostatically charged to capture more particles. Tests have shown that this type of filter is not very effective at trapping the smallest, most breathable particles in the air.
These respirable particles are those that can be inhaled into the lungs and cause respiratory problems. Typically, these filters are designed to be washed once a month and reused. Permanent air filters will become clogged with particles and need to be cleaned to avoid any type of problem. In reality, since the air in your home is constantly recirculating through ducts and passing through filters each time, the cumulative effect of filters increases. According to experts, the real function of air conditioning filters is to protect the lifespan of the air conditioning system, not to improve air quality. To better understand what type of air conditioner filter is best for your home, you must understand the different types of air filter technology, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
In a discussion about the most common filter levels sold in retail stores, MERVs from 1 to 16, Owen said that this range ranges from filters that can catch a golf ball (I'm exaggerating a little) to filters that catch just about anything. However, if you buy air filters frequently, you can recoup that initial investment in just a few months. You'll save on additional filters and waste by not using a filter that needs to be replaced every few months. If you want to save money, you can wash the washable filter yourself to avoid air quality problems. These patented fibers are embedded in the filter medium, which attracts and retains more microparticles from your home air that can aggravate allergies and irritate the respiratory system.
On the other hand, there are other air conditioning professionals who claim that the quality of air filters is largely a myth. In conclusion, washable or reusable air filters can be a great way to reduce your environmental footprint and save money on household costs. However, it's important to understand their advantages and disadvantages before installing them in your Jacksonville air conditioning system.